World Art Fair Saudi: Bridging cultures, celebrating global art, and unveiling new talents in the Kingdom

World Art Fair Saudi: Bridging cultures, celebrating global art, and unveiling new talents in the Kingdom

Embrace the intersection of creativity and culture in Saudi Arabia's inaugural art extravaganza
02 August 23
Riyadh: World Art Fair Saudi

Uniting the worlds of culture and global art, World Art Fair will beckon emerging artists, passionate art enthusiast and galleries to Saudi Arabia.

Already a popular and long-running concept in the United Arab Emirates, this will be the first Saudi Arabian based and dedicated World Art Fair event and exhibition.

World Art Fair Saudi invites emerging artists, passionate art enthusiasts and galleries to embark on a collaborative and supported journey of continued creativity and communal sharing of culture and artistic expression by providing a space for artists to showcase their works, and for art appreciators to discover new and up-coming talents from the Kingdom.

An open call for artists to apply for their own showcase space has been announced, and local Saudi artists are encouraged to apply. And, some internationally renowned galleries and artist have also confirmed their spaces for the event, including Zaina Zayed of the United States of America and Wadi Finan Art Gallery from Jordan, alongside local Saudi galleries such as 3D ArtWorks Gallery, Wrd Art Gallery and Synergy Art Group.

The art community in Saudi Arabia is thriving, with a strong focus on visual arts that is deeply rooted in the tradition and culture of the Kingdom. Being a part of this community can lead to exciting opportunities for exposure and collaboration, allowing for new creative expressions and connections with artists from both local and international backgrounds. It also facilitates the transfer of knowledge and enriches the overall artistic landscape.

Although the exhibition date is yet to be confirmed, World Art Fair Saudi offers attendees the opportunity to rendezvous with artists hailing from diverse corners of the globe, and experience immersive and riveting discussions with the brilliant minds behind each masterpiece.

The fair will take place in a large exhibition space just twenty minutes from Riyadh's King Khalid International Airport at the RFECC, making the event easily accessible to international visitors and travelling artists.
Riyadh Front Exhibition and Conference Centre (RFECC), Riyadh 13412

World Art Fair: Unlocking the Kingdom's artistic talents